No wonder our waist lines keep does our food.

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My upline coach and friend is getting P90x certified today! Congrats, Keebs! Can't wait to bring live workouts to the Dojo:o) I would love to get certified in Les Mils Pump, because I used to LOVE going to Body Pump at my old gym and I'd love to be able to teach that class. I'm probably getting ahead of myself here...just a thought. Goal for June is to get an Insanity challenge group of 5 going. It's our month off from Bootcamp, so it seems like the perfect time. Then in July MY camp starts-Eee!! Getting excited!
and it was AWESOME!! I had just gotten done with boot camp, so I really didn't have a clue how I was going to make it another hour. However, the collective energy in that room & Mark's awesomeness made it-I won't say EASY, but POSSIBLE, to push through it! And it was FUN! I sincerely suggest you all get X'ed ASAP ;) I LOVE a good butt kicking, no lie!
(Makes 30 cookies)

Ingredients:3 ripe bananas
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla extract 

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mash bananas in a large bowl, then stir in remaining ingredients. Let batter stand for approximately 20 minutes, then drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes.

Freezing Directions:
Cool completely, then place cookies in a freezer bag. Seal, label, and freeze. 

Nutritional Information (per cookie): 
47 calories; 7.5 g carbs; 1.6 g fat; 1.5 g protein; 1.3 g fiber; 1 WW PointsPlus

*This is not my recipe, I found it on Tumblr.
My personal fitness ninja reminded me today that the 5 White Devils are....White Cows milk, White Sugar, White Salt, White Flour, White Rice. You have been reminded!
Sometimes you just need a fresh workout playlist to get your butt in gear, so I thought I'd start sharing some of the songs from mine. I have approximately 7,000 songs in my iTunes library, so I figure...I know a thing or two, right?! I like to think so, anyway :) Anywho, this tune is GREAT for cardio, and you don't hear it on the radio 50x/day (SCORE!) 
Battle Beyond by Crunkwitch. you can find it on iTunes here:
ENJOY!!! And feel free to submit your own suggestions.
Alternatives to store bought salad dressings...

Honey Mustard Dressing
1 tsp of honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp lemon juice

Hot Dressing :)
1 tsp EVOO
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp hot sauce

Asian Peanut Dressing
1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp lite soy sauce
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp ground ginger
Cayenne pepper to taste

(posted by a member of my fitness family, Heather!) I LOVE that these are individual servings, so you don't have to worry about them spoiling in the fridge. 
Today I basically had it in my head that I was tired, I hadn’t eaten, and I basically just didn’t freaking feel like going to bootcamp. Then I saw my wrist full of motivational bracelets, went downstairs to take my e&e, and got dressed. I love those moments. I felt like I had overcome a huge obstacle before I even left the house. And you know what? It was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a long time and I feel amazing right now! You never know what you could be missing out on if you don’t push yourself:)

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Jamie Eason just posted this on her Facebook page. I think she makes an excellent point:

For all of the people frustrated with the stubborn fat on your tummy or the cellulite on your legs, you are not going to like this but even as fitness models, those areas come and go on us depending on the effort that we are making. I can get really lean with some serious commitment but the moment I relax my diet or start missing workouts and my muscle atrophies, I start seeing signs of cellulite return on my legs. Aside from surgery (which isn’t fool proof and can be very dangerous), there is no “do this and lose it forever”. It takes consistent effort. That’s why I structured the LiveFit trainer the way that I did. It’s supposed to teach you to train and eat certain ways to make progress and achieve whatever goal you’re after. No one can keep intensity high or eat perfect all the time. There are times when you will feel motivated to really push and commit and there will be times when it’s the farthest thing from your mind. It’s empowering to learn what to do so that you can apply it when you’re ready but I’m sure that you’ll agree that aside from being healthy, there are far more important things in life than obsessing over our problem areas.

Here is her LiveFit Trainer.. which comes with a HIGH recommendation from me! 

SN-I love Jamie Eason....she's such an inspiration to me!

1. not actually a dressing, but Balsamic Glaze. It only takes a little drizzle for lots of flavor. Add a small amount of EVOO & you’re good to go. (20 cal/Tbs, 0 fat, 0 sodium, 4 carbs, 3 sugars) **I add grapes, strawberries, and a little soft goat cheese. Perfect summer salad!**

2. normally I would say NO to any sort of creamy dressing, but these yogurt ones are really good. All natural, no preservatives. Found in the refrigerated section next to the bags of salad. (45cal/2 Tbs, 3g fat, 270mg sodium, 3g carbs, 2g sugars)

3. My new FAVORITE!!! Would probably be good on anything, but I especially like it with salmon over field greens. Add some crushed unsalted peanuts and shredded carrots…yum! From organic section at CM. (45 cal/2 Tbs, 2g fat, 260mg sodium, 5g sugars)