...and it was GREAT! We started with the Plyometric Cardio Circuit &I think we have a really amazing group of people who want to continue improving their lives, and I get excited about that:) I'm really looking forward to encouraging, challenging, and pushing each other over the next 60 days and I CAN'T WAIT to see what the photo from our LAST workout is going to look like! This program is hard, but it's honestly FUN, especially with the group atmosphere.
Working out was always my "me time" until I took my first Body Pump class. Then came Boot Camps, Fit Clubs, and now Challenge Groups. If you've never worked out in a group setting before, I would encourage everyone to get out there & try something new. I see it changing lives every day, including my own, & that's something I want to share with as many people as I can!! Now it's time to prepare for workout #2- Cardio Power & Resistance. Wish me luck:)

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